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Sample Biodata Format
Making a attractive matrimony biodata is the first step in finding a perfect life partner, but not sure how to make a marriage biodata or looking for a biodata format? Then, you are at the right place. helps you to make a best matrimony biodata online using Mobile, Laptop or Computer for free. Making a biodata now made easy. Fill the details, select the template and download biodata in pdf format.
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Tips to make a perfect Biodata
Bio Data is a short form of Biographical Data. Marriage Biodata format is a detailed description of a boy or girl who is looking for a life partner. Marriage Bio data format basically consists of Personal detail, Family details and Contact Details.
Personal Details
personal details section should provide the full information about a person. It must include Full Name, Date of Birth, Education, Occupation, Physical appearance, Hobbies and optional details Horoscope, Profile photo, short introduction about self.

Family Details
family detail section consists of Family background, Father Name, Fathers Occupation, Mother Name, Mothers Occupation. Siblings information like Name, Marital status, Occupation. Optional deatils Property, Expectation if any.
Contact Details
contact details section must include Communication Address, Mobile Number. If other person finds your biodata interesting and want to contact you then this section helps to reach out to you.